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Introduction to Credit Default Swaps
作者姓名:Walid Busaba; Zeigham Khokher; Muhammad Fuad Farooqi
出版日期:2010/09/24內容長度:9 頁

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are derivative instruments that allow investors protection against credit events such as downgrades of or defaults by single-name or a basket of obligors. Estimated by the Band of International Settlements to be at $32.6 trillion in December 2009, these instruments represent one of the largest and fastest growing financial product markets globally. This note is intended to introduce students to CDS, the pricing basics .....more

作者姓名:George Athanassakos; Muhammad Fuad Farooqi
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B08N022
出版日期:2009/01/09內容長度:31 頁

In September, 2005 an investment analyst had recommended to the investment committee of Optimal Funds (the Fund) to invest $10 million in La-Z-Boy, in addition to the $20 million that the Fund had already invested. The analyst believed La-Z-Boy represented strong value yet, having only been on the job less than one year, he knew that he needed to provide sound judgment and analysis to convince the investment committee and to maintain his credibility. .....more

Power Sector Privatization in Pakistan
作者姓名:David W. Conklin; Muhammad Fuad Farooqi
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B05M008
出版日期:2005/02/21內容長度:18 頁

The case discusses the development of Pakistan's economy and the government's decision to privatize many of its government-owned enterprises and focuses on the privatization debate concerning Pakistan's power sector. Illustrated are the many issues and questions concerning government ownership and privatization, the rationales for government ownership as well as justifications for privatization.